Cases We Handle

How can I help you?


Failure to repair your home 

Landlords have a duty to repair and maintain the rental property, no matter what the lease says. If the landlord fails to repair the property and you suffer harm because of that failure, you are entitled to compensation. Examples of severe repair issues include:

  • Ceilings that collapse on your head

  • Sewage backup that floods your living space

  • Broken stairs or missing stair railings that cause you to fall

  • Heat or AC that is broken for weeks or months

  • Broken toilets, showers, or kitchen appliances that are not fixed for weeks or months

You are entitled to compensation for things like damage to your belongings, injury to your body, and loss of rental value. If your landlord has failed to repair your rental home and you have suffered harm, consider contacting our law firm.

Security deposits

A landlord has to return your security deposit within 30 days of you moving out or explain to you, in writing, why any part of the deposit was withheld. If your landlord has improperly withheld your security deposit you are entitled to three times the deposit, plus all of your attorney fees. Our firm has handled hundreds of security deposit recoveries throughout Georgia.

unlawful or Self Help evictions

Georgia has strict laws about how a tenant has to be evicted. If a landlord does not follow these laws the tenant is entitled to damages, even if the tenant owed rent.

Sometimes the landlord will evict the tenant themselves instead of waiting for a court order or member of law enforcement to perform the eviction. This is called a “Self Help Eviction.” In Georgia, no tenant may be evicted unless a court has issued an order evicting the tenant, called a “Writ of Possession”. Additionally, all evictions must be done by a law enforcement officer, either the sheriff, marshal, or police, depending on the County. If you come home one day to find all of your belongings on the driveway and the locks changed on your home, but no eviction was filed against you, you may have been illegally evicted.